
Posts Tagged ‘escalator wrong placement’

If  you go to Centrepoint, there is an escalator coming linking the ground level to the basement where Guardian is situated.  The upward escalator is flush next to a wall and there is a plastic placard to warn user against hitting their head if they were to look backward onto a small stall just below.  This is another stupid escalator placement.  On the contrary the downward escalator is not flush against any wall.

Solution:  Simply reverse the direction of the escalator to prevent any possible head or jaw crush if children were to move their heads while attracted by the stall selling trinkets below.  I fine it hard to comprehend why the security guards standing around there fail to notice the danger.  This is high traffic area and I am sure there would be many near miss with users looking over the hand rail to see the trinket stall below. It just shows that many people do not really use their brains here as if thinking is also a crime or that the placement is dictated by security conscious people but safety imbeciles.

Goodness Gracious


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