
Archive for March, 2012

Basically we should be mindful of the development and employment of the potentially harm that full-body airport scanners can have on our DNA (genes) that could not only be fatal to your health but also your womb and especially if you are pregnant

1.   On 14 Nov 2011 (4 months ago), The European Union  prohibited the use of X-ray body scanners in European airports, parting ways with the U.S. Transportation Security Administration, which has deployed hundreds of the scanners as a way to screen millions of airline passengers for explosives hidden under clothing.

The European Commission, which enforces common policies of the EU’s 27 member countries, adopted the rule “in order not to risk jeopardizing citizens’ health and safety.”

As a ProPublica/PBS NewsHour investigation detailed earlier this month, X-ray body scanners use ionizing radiation, a form of energy that has been shown to damage DNA and cause cancer. Although the amount of radiation is extremely low, equivalent to the radiation a person would receive in a few minutes of flying, several research studies have concluded that a small number of cancer cases would result from scanning hundreds of millions of passengers a year.  (link)



2.    The Greatest Joke in 2011

TSA Puts Off Safety Study of X-ray Body Scanners

by Michael Grabell ProPublica, Nov. 16, 2011, 1:37 p.m

At a Senate hearing after the story ran, TSA Administrator John Pistole agreed to a request by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, to conduct a new independent study of the health effects of the X-ray scanners, also known as backscatters.

But at a Senate hearing of a different committee last week, Pistole said he had since received a draft report on the machines by the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general, or IG, that might render the independent study unnecessary.

“My strong belief is those types of machines are still completely safe,” Pistole said. “If the determination is that this IG study is not sufficient, then I will look at still yet another additional study.”


Comments: John Pistole graduated from Law studies and would probably be clueless when it comes to health. God Bless America! What is security without HEALTH???? …. when millions could be dying from cancer not forgetting their subsequent mutant offsprings.  No wonder there are so many sickos mentally and physically there.



Other Things You Should Know

a.    How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA

A new model of the way the THz waves interact with DNA explains how the damage is done and why evidence has been so hard to gather  (Technology Review, 30 Oct 2009)

b.     TSA Admits Bungling of Airport Body-Scanner Radiation Tests

(Wire.com , 15 Mar 2011)

Comments:  This revelation is interesting since in came out after the 11 Mar 2011 Japan quake and all goggle search and “radiation” would be overwhelm by the Japan’s “radiation” result.  So the timing is media relations right from but not ethically right.  (see my earlier post: Timing of Airport Body-Scanner Radiation Tests Release Cause for Concerns (30 Mar, 2011)


So Take Care


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Three things in the medical world aroused my interests this week.

Successful Face Transplant

1.  I read about the successful face transplant of Richard Norris who was disfigured some 15 years ago after being shot in the face.  After 15 years of wearing a mask and living as a recluse, a 37-year-old Virginia man disfigured in a gun accident got a new face, nose, teeth and jaw in what University of Maryland physicians say is the most extensive face transplant ever performed.   The University of Maryland’s research on transplants was funded by a grant from the Office of Naval Research, and doctors said they hope to begin operating soon on military patients.  (link)

Importantly, what amazed me was that he regain his sense of smell and could feel his own face.  However, I feel the urgency for this news was also linked to the news no. 2 below on the new innovations on rapid nerves repairs.  It could have a major impact for this successful facial transplant.

Rapid nerve repair helps lame rats walk within days

2.      The is perhaps the best medical article I have read so far.  In fact, it was this experiment that seemed to offer much hope for those paralyzed through damaged nerve at the limbs.  I was flipping through the The New Scientist (Feb 2012issue) at the library and came across the simple solution of reattaching the nerves by simply preventing the natural healing process (in a calcium-free solution) after the new nerves are severe to keep the detached ends from closing and providing a medical glue to glue them together and only then to infuse with a calcium rich solution to commence natural healing and close up the circuit pathway.  It is that simple.  You see read the article and watch the video.  (New Scientist, 3 Feb 2012).  However, I am not sure if it can really help those stroke victims whose brain neural activity had been damaged extensively but still a very good findings for severed or damaged nerves at the limb area.  Maybe in the near future, the paramedics could be dispensing a calcium free solution or injections to prevent nerve damage during those precious minutes.

Italian doctor may have found surprisingly simple cure for Multiple Sclerosis

3.     Although this simple cure reported in Gizmag (Feb 2009) seemed rather dated, but it could offer much hopes for many afflicted with this nervous and muscle disease.  Basically this Italian doctor, Dr. Zamboni took a novel approach and found that most of the victims could not remove the excess iron in their brain region.  More than 90% of people with MS have some sort of malformation or blockage in the veins that drain blood from the brain.  He named the problem Chronic Cerebro-Spinal Venous Insufficiency, or CCSVI.   Strange that wikipedia omitted the excess iron in their writeup on MS.

So, perhaps those ladies taking too much iron supplements to compensate their monthly losses could be at risk for MS.  Those into the menopausal age may want to look into it too.   The distance runners who take alot of iron tablets should be mindful too.

Of course there is always the earth geomagnetic flux strongly influenced by the sun that could affect the movement of iron within our bodies and perhaps this also a factor to consider.  Not only for MS but also for breast cancer.  We should keep abreast of such developments.

Take Care


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22 July 2011

The 2011 Norway attacks were two sequential terrorist attacks against the government, the civilian population and a summer camp in Norway on 22 July 2011.  Total 77 (deaths)
151 (injuries).



Two days earlier ……

20 July, 2011

G1-Geomagnetic Storm / Solar Watch July 20 , 2011

A High-speed

solar wind stream has caused a G1 class geomagnetic storm
(Kp 5) around the earths poles. High-latitude sky watchers should be on alert for auroras.
Earth has entered a solar wind stream flowing from coronal hole(466)

Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is expected to remain at mostly unsettled to active levels with and isolated minor storm possible on days 1 and 2 (20-21 July) as the result of coronal hole high speed stream effects. Conditions should decrease to primarily unsettled levels with the chance for isolated active periods on day 3 (22 July), as coronal hole effects begin to decline.


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The first time, I heard about “Coxsackievirus” was back in 1997 when I was working in Brunei.  It started a panic in Sarawak when some 31 children died from this particular virus.  I still remember having lunch with a second secretary and he jokingly told me, “Hey Mike, what is the more virulent form of coxsackievirus?”.  Before I could answer, he chuckled and said “assfuckie”.  Both of us laughed about it.

But deep down,  there were real concern in Brunei and East Malaysia when it was sudden hit by this highly virulent strain.  My elder son was just barely over 1 years old then and my younger son was just conceived (now that I calculated his birthdate in Feb 1998).  So I was fully understood the near panic situation then.

For the record, the Coxsackieviruses were discovered in 1948-49 by Gilbert Dalldorf, a scientist working at the New York State Department of Health in Albany, New York. The virus family he discovered was eventually given the name Coxsackie, for the town of Coxsackie, New York, a small town on the Hudson River where Dalldorf had obtained the first fecal specimens.

Speaking of Albany, it brought to mind about the presently rampant bat fungal disease , the White nose syndrome (WNS), a poorly understood disease associated with the deaths of more than 5.5 million North American bats. It was first identified in a moist cave in Feb 2006 in Schoharie County (just only 60km northwest of Coxsackie town).

The 1946 – 1948 was also an infamous year for the US for the unethical experiment that deliberately infect sexually transmittable diseases, including syphilis and gonorrhea on prisoners, mental patients and SOLDIERS. This experiment was conducted in Guatemala, the present site of the new emerging BAT Influenza (Feb 2012), another possible highly contagious disease if it starts to spread. On 1 Oct, 2010, The United States issued an unusual apology to Guatemala for the experiment. In a joint statement issued by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. It said:

“The sexually transmitted disease inoculation study conducted from 1946-1948 in Guatemala was clearly unethical. Although these events occurred more than 64 years ago, we are outraged that such reprehensible research could have occurred under the guise of public health. We deeply regret that it happened, and we apologize to all the individuals who were affected by such abhorrent research practices. The conduct exhibited during the study does not represent the values of the United States, or our commitment to human dignity and great respect for the people of Guatemala. The study is a sad reminder that adequate human subject safeguards did not exist a half-century ago.” (link)


So, the moral of the story is that US has conduct unethical experiments on foreign soils, not to mention the Agent Orange effect in Indo-China. Often it is done much later after the war is over and many had died. However, there are also other equally worrisome weirdos raised in the US during that era. One such is the infamous cult leader, Reverend James WarrenJimJones, who initially was working as a monkey salesman, back in 1954, selling monkeys door to door to supplement his income and he becomes the focus of a front-page story in The Indianapolis Star when he refuses an air shipment of monkeys because many are sick or died en route. This is the part that will scared the hell out people who read a lot. If you recall, the AID virus was first discovered in 1959 during the time when US had the practice of selling monkeys door-to-door.

AIDs – The oldest documented possible case of the then-unknown syndrome (now AIDs) was thought to have been detected in 1959, when David Carr, a 25-year-old British printer who had travelled in the navy between 1955 and 1957 (but apparently not to Africa).   (link)
On 18 Nov 1978, Jim Jones, the founder and leader of the Peoples Temple, conducted a mass suicide for 913 Temple members in Jonestown, Guyana. Nobody knows why they did it but it was apparently for a doomsday scenario. The worrisome part is whether were they involved in biological attack given Jim Jones’ earlier career selling sick monkeys in the US. I suspect his brained-washed followers were forced to drink poison after some hideous biological job. Remember the show “The Twelve Monkeys”. (youtube trailer)


Back to the coxsackie virus in this region. The lesser virulent form is the Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is apparently stated to be caused by intestinal viruses of the Picornaviridae family. The most common strains causing HFMD are Coxsackie A virus and Enterovirus 71 (EV-71). For the children, it often manifest as red blisters or spots in the hand, foot and mouth region. However, for adults it is not to obvious but the worrisome part is that HFMD can cause inflammation of the heart region – Pericarditis (an inflammation of the pericardium the fibrous sac surrounding the heart).

For the adults with heart inflammation, it could be dismissed as flu symptom, so many will continue with their sports activities and this could be fatal in extreme cases or have their heart damaged irrevocably.

So it would be wise to consult your doctor or physician if you think you have the HFMD or more virulent coxsackie version.  I thought having some sort of anti-inflammatory preventive medication could be one way to protect the heart. But it should be better that paracetamol since it is known to cause liver damage.  The increased available dosage of 500mg can be fatal given the fact that twenty years ago, it was only in 250mg dosage.  So the elderly who are used to taking two tablets of 25omg will now pop 2 x 500mg tablets to reach 1000mg in one sitting.  Thus the frail liver could cause more problems instead.  Fortunately, nowadays for those with flu, the doctor will also dispense Fluimucil (Acetylcysteine) to prevent thick mucous formation but also has the unique properties to treat paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdose. For those who self-medicate with lots of paracetamol and worst still take a lot of alcohol, It toxicity is increased greatly. Taking milk thistle or glutathione tablets (from GNC) can help to boost your liver. However it is still good to see a doctor or your physician.
Take Care







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This wordpress blog “http://ascendingstarseed.wordpress.com” on 1 March uploaded a video warning by Haarp expert, Dutchsinse of severe weather to hit Mid-state in the USA.

a.  “Dutchsinse Severe Warning: 3/2/2012 – HAARP rings, Scalar Squares, and Ghost storms – IL, KY, IN, TN, VA, MS, AL, GA Friday, Mar 2 2012” (link)

On 3 March, we have already seen the materialization of the severe hail storms and tornadoes that is occurring across the Mid-state in the US.

b.  But strangely, this word press blog also provided a youtube link entitled “Tom-Bearden-Confirms-DutchSinse-Observation-of-Scalar-Radar-and-Tornadoes – YouTube.flv”  about Russia weather engineering over US since 1985.

c.  So, on 2 Mar, the tornadoes and hail storm occurred as expected. As reported “Several cities open storm shelters throughout Mid-State (March 2, 2012 3:32 PM, (http://www.wkrn.com/story/17064797/lavergne-opening-storm-shelter)”

d.  LiveLeak.com – Intense Hail Storm in Nashville Tennessee

e. Storms, tornadoes, hail hammer U.S. midsection again | Reuters uk.reuters.com/…/uk-usa-tornadoes-idUKTRE8211…United Kingdom 14 hours ago – BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (Reuters) – Tornadoes causing severe damage touched down in northern Alabama on Friday, part of a parade of dangerous storms

So why is US doing it?

Well there are quite a few school of thoughts being discussed in the internet:

a.    Both US and Russia, including China have Haarp weapons, but the US Haarp array in Alaska and Australia had been known for their weather and earthquake destruction ability.  Quite a number of youtube sites had uploaded valuable details on that

b.   For this particular series of tornadoes and hail storm in Mar 2012, the Haarp weathers radar weapons scattered across US uses heats up the atmosphere which also inevitably affect their own citizens living near those area.  The heated atmosphere will create sudden huge depression or cyclone zones and the citizens there are totally not aware or simply blame it on bad weather.   It could be the Russia haarp were also in use at the same time.  But do you really think the US will not retaliate any form of attack on its own soil.  It is probably to learn more about this form of attack without letting their citizens know the truth.

b.  But the US Haarp radar rings as Dutchsinse explain were probably US haarp radars directly at other places around the world and we probably would not know where they are.  This happens all the time in Australia where the US Haarp radars are wreaking havocs in Queensland and other parts there too.

c.  The middle belt of US are mostly immigrants or the lower income group and they are often affect by these “natural disaster” without any clues.  It would not be any loss to the US administration and sadly those affected would have to leave their destroyed farms or other decent jobs there for more adventurous jobs that are often dangerous and perhaps unethical.

d.  The financial model that US harp upon (no punt intended here) is financially bankrupt and the only way forward is what President Eisenhouser had warned is to prevent the military-industrial complex from running out of control.  Looks like there is no control anymore.

Finally, I truly feel sad for the true blue Americans, that include the native red indian, afro americans, the whites and others who really have no clues what is happening in their own country.  The Big Apple is, unfortunately, drawing alot of vultures who have total disregard for humanity both globally and in particular, the US citizens as well.

Looks like the Haarp weapons are here to stay.  The US, Russia and other countries are perhaps equally culpable, but if we look at the unceasing and continuing military adventurism that remains unabated, which country made occupation look truly liberating.  A financially bankrupt country, will of course, have little choice but shamelessly resort to military dominance and seek out global “conflicts” to maintain a plush lifestyle. Let hope global wisdom prevails to help protect this fragile Mother Earth.

May God Bless America

Take Care


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If  you go to Centrepoint, there is an escalator coming linking the ground level to the basement where Guardian is situated.  The upward escalator is flush next to a wall and there is a plastic placard to warn user against hitting their head if they were to look backward onto a small stall just below.  This is another stupid escalator placement.  On the contrary the downward escalator is not flush against any wall.

Solution:  Simply reverse the direction of the escalator to prevent any possible head or jaw crush if children were to move their heads while attracted by the stall selling trinkets below.  I fine it hard to comprehend why the security guards standing around there fail to notice the danger.  This is high traffic area and I am sure there would be many near miss with users looking over the hand rail to see the trinket stall below. It just shows that many people do not really use their brains here as if thinking is also a crime or that the placement is dictated by security conscious people but safety imbeciles.

Goodness Gracious


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